Samaj Sahayyak Samiti have a vital role to play in the promotion and protection of human right specially in the developing country, has the largest number of Samaj Sahayyak Samiti’s whose activates are spared in different fields for the welfare of human being including the promotion and protection of human right.
Samaj Sahayyak Samiti organization have functioned as the conscience of the national in the field of human right by taking prompt action to investigate the instance human right by undertaking and the spot studies and publishing the observations.
where relief and charity are key actions. Sahayyak Samiti in this role can be seen as initiating internal programs and projects.
where communication as a skill is important for development and social action. Samaj Sahayyak Samiti in this role can be seen as participating or taking up external programs and projects.
where support documentation and dissemination of information and expertise is critical. Samaj Sahayyak Samiti in this role can be seen as working in collaborative programs. Local experts/professionals/resource persons play major secondary roles.
Community-based organizations and cooperatives can acquire, subdivide and develop land, construct housing, provide infrastructure and operate and maintain infrastructure such as wells or public toilets and solid waste collection services.
Samaj Sahayyak Samiti have the advantage of selecting particular places for innovative projects and specify in advance the length of time which they will be supporting the project - overcoming some of the shortcomings that governments face in this respect.
The significance of this role to the government is that Samaj Sahayyak Samiti can communicate to the policy-making levels of government, information about the lives, capabilities, attitudes and cultural characteristics of people at the local level. Samaj Sahayyak Samiti can facilitate communication upward from people to the government and downward from the government to the people.