
Samaj Sahayyak Samiti

Samaj Sahayyak Samiti established by Miss Archana Mhalaskar Thite in Pune, Maharashtra. Samaj Sahayyak Samiti is an non profitable oraganisation enged in promotion and protection of human rights.Samaj Sahayyak Samiti unites people in the common cause of defending human rights and promoting liberal democracy.To empower the disempowered groups of Dalits, tribal people, women, children and minorities to protect their individual and collective rights for a dignified life through, education, monitoring, and mobilizing civil society for concerted action..

Our Mission


protection of all human rights for all people; to help empower people to realize their rights; and to assist those responsible for upholding such rights in ensuring that they are implemented.

Help Mankind

promote and enforce human rights, to engage in relationships that embody the principles of dignity and respect, and to create a culture of human rights compliance and accountability.

Our Vision